8. The Water Dialogues-SA Joburg CS

This is the eighth chapter in the series based on the DVD entitled “Enhancing Delivery through Dialogue” which captures the process, and outcomes of The Water Dialogues South Africa. It is based on interviews with Carina van Rooyen and Jean-Pierre Mas during March 2009, and video footage of The WD-SA Working Group footage and previous footage during the South African Water Caucus Meeting on the Phiri Court Case. Photographs were provided by Per Herbertsson, an independent photographer, as well as Jean-Pierre Mas, Kathy Eales and Jennifer Makoatsane. The focus of this case study was on the two periods: firstly during and secondly post the Management Contract between the City of Johannesburg and JOWAM Private Company. The Water Dialogues-South Africa (WD-SA) is a national multi-stakeholder dialogue process and research project analysing the role of the public and private sectors in the delivery of universal water and sanitation in the country. See: http://www.waterdialogues.org/south-africa/
The aim was to examine how the choice of water services provider – from public to private – affected the delivery of water and sanitation in very different municipal contexts. Were they able to deliver effective, equitable, and sustainable water supply and sanitation, provided affordably to all? This DVD was produced by Liane Greeff in 2009 with all music provided by Roy MacGregor. Filming was undertaken Roy MacGregor and Liane Greeff. Venue: Johannesburg, South Africa

More info: waterdialogues
Produced by: Liane Greef
Year: 2009
Language: English

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