An Eye on Water Scarcity in Yemen (Arabic)

Yemen is one of the five most water-stressed countries in the world. Climate Change is set to deplete further its limited water resources, which could even lead to conflict among users. Water service-delivery and rural and urban areas leave much to be desired, despite decade-old reforms carried out by the government.

Abdulrahman F. Al-Eryani, former Yemeni Minister of Water and Environment, acknowledges the challenges. He, however, frames them with an eye on solutions. Alongside Yemen’s water-scarcity, its people have developed a rich culture of efficient water-management practices. This heritage, along with international co-operation and tough domestic decision-making, will provide the basis for a water-sustainable future for the country, says Mr. Al-Eryani.

The former minister speaks on a wide range of related issues, in this interview exclusive to TheWaterChannel.

More info:
Produced by: Levert Communications
Year: 2011
Language: English
(Watch the interview in English)

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May 15, 2020  
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