Bridging Agriculture and Conservation for a new paradigm

As the world faces ongoing food crises, extreme weather and population growth, Bioversity International and global partners are responding by launching an initiative to develop solutions to food security and shape the Sustainable Development Goals.

A year ago, global leaders met in Rio de Janeiro to shape the future of sustainable development. Ensuring food security and sustainable agriculture was a cornerstone of those global discussions. As the world faces ongoing food crises, extreme weather and population growth, Bioversity International and global partners are responding by launching an initiative to develop solutions to food security and shape the Sustainable Development Goals.

The ‘Bridging Agriculture and Conservation Initiative’ which has been symbolically launched in Rio in July 2013, will provide evidence-based solutions to feed a growing population, while ensuring long-term conservation of vital biodiversity, including agricultural biodiversity. Agricultural biodiversity — the diversity of varieties and species of plants on farms and in the wild — can help farmers manage risks, such as threats from pests and diseases, climate change and market fluctuations; improve income, livelihood and nutrition; and ensure the availability of important genes and traits for current and future food security and continued evolution and adaptation.

Global leaders from more than 16 organizations are participating in this initiative. Here are some of their thoughts in their own words.

More info:
Produced by: Biodiversity International
Year: 2013
Language: English
Region: Brazil

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June 26, 2020  
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