Bridging Waters: Water and Climate Change

Increasingly volatile weather patterns due to climate change will impact hardest on Africa – and Southern Africa is exposed as the most vulnerable to floods and droughts. The Zambezi River gathers rain falling in Zambia and Angola to begin a journey across the region – flowing along the borders of Namibia and Botswana, between Zambia and Zimbabwe through to Mozambique, touching Malawi and receiving inflow from Tanzania before flowing through Mozambique into the Indian Ocean.
It rises and falls in a seasonal pulse, sustaining and binding together the lives of 30 million people spread through eight countries. These communities, such as the Lozi people in Zambia, must learn to adapt even better to its changing rhythms. Climate change threatens the normal Zambezi flows – combining unprecedented stresses put countless lives at risk. And climate change does not respect boundaries or sectors. It requires all our input and cooperation to take traditional systems of adaptation and resilience and scale these up with modern resources to generate broad-based impacts. Climatic changes are now inescapable; we have to put in measures to adapt and mitigate to its impacts.
The SADC Water Division brings together a cross section of water resources’ stakeholders to ensure that the region’s citizens have the right information to make informed decisions about their lives as they tackle “Water and Climate Change”…

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Produced by: SADC Secretariat in Gaborone (Botswana) in cooperation with Germany (BMZ) and the UK (DFID), whose partnership programme is being implemented by GTZ. The Australian Government’s Agency for International Development joined the partnership in October 2010. The filming was done by Nick Chevallier Video Productions (Cape Town, South Africa).
Year: 2010
Language: English

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SADC transboundary basin climate climate change river  
May 15, 2020  
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