Building resilience in times of change

This video documents the IUCN ‘Building Drought Resilience’ project in the Upper Aswa basin (Uganda) and Lower Tana Basin (Kenya). The three-year project (2012-2014) aims to support the resilience of dryland communities to the impacts of severe droughts. The project is funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation and implemented in partnership with the Directorate of Water Resources Management of the Uganda Ministry of Water and Environment. The project is currently [2013] taking the resilience framework forward by documenting and disseminating the lessons learnt from the pilot sites, and by promoting the replication of the approach elsewhere in the country. The lessons will be used to inform the government’s plan to scale up the catchment-based approach.

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Produced by: IUCN/Claire Warmenbol
Year: 2013
Language: English
Region: Africa, Kenya, Uganda

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dryland IUCN community resilience  
May 15, 2020  
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