Defending Water Rights

Full Title: Defending Water Rights: The Experience of Interjuntas-Chimborazo, Ecuador

In Ecuador over the past few decades, water has become a key element in indigenous and small-scale farmers’ organisation. This documentary presents the experience of the Provincial Federation of Water Users Organisations ‘Interjuntas-Chimborazo,’ which groups over 300 local water councils and represents some 20,000 irrigation and human consumption water users in the Andean province of Chimborazo.

The federation works through providing legal advice, training and political advocacy, which contribute to empowering the province’s water users. In this way it has become a new social actor that seeks greater democracy, equality and justice in water management at local and national levels.

Through the words of Interjuntas-Chimborazo’s members the video shows, using concrete examples, the great potential that water users’ councils have for organising to defend their water rights.

More info: jaime.hoogesteger[at]wur[dot]nl
Produced by: Jaime Hoogesteger
Year: 2011
Language: English

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May 15, 2020  
Produced by
Jaime Hoogesteger