In the project ECOBAS, eco engineering is used to protect the coast of Bangladesh. Every year, floods wash away the earthen dikes along the Bangladeshi coast. A barrier could be built in the sea to break the waves. Natural processes could be used to help build this barrier. A wall of concrete blocks could be placed in front of the shore line. Oysters will start living on this wall, which creates a semi-natural reef. Behind this reef, mangrove trees could be planted. This vegetation would break the waves before they reach the land. At the same time, it forms a natural habitat for fish and crabs, which the local population could eat or sell to generate some extra income. These are findings of the project ECOBAS which has been carried out by Royal HaskoningDHV, University of Chittagong and two Wageningen UR research institutes, IMARES and LEI Wageningen UR.
Produced by: Wageningen University & Research
Year: 2014
Language: English
Region: South East Asia
More Info:
Eco-engineering: Bangladesh
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