Ethiopia: Investment in Agricultural Water Management Pays

The last two decades have seen decreased investment in agricultural water Management (i.e. irrigation and drainage, water harvesting, soil and water conservation etc). This was mainly due to negative reports by bilateral donors, especially on poor performance of irrigation. This video report relates to a special category of schemes that were developed with unfairly high overheads and cost recovery that was unrealistic.
This film dispels such negative publicity by show-casing real farmers engaged in AWM, who once had problems/or were poor, but have overcome food insecurity/poverty due to interventions traceable to agricultural water.
Research has been carried out in the areas where the video was shot. Some of the research results are shown in the film (graphs, tables). The research has been published (link to amazon)

More info:
Produced by: Bancy Mati
Year: 2009
Language: English

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