“Glacial Balance” teaser

Teaser for the movie: ‘Glacial Balance’


A journey along the spine of the Andes, discovering stories of the first victims of the melting tropical glacial reserve and the worldwide chain reaction effects we can expect

Water and its sources have historically been the key factor in the establishment of cities, of civilizations. Along rivers, seas and downstream of mountain snowmelt, humans have depended on these seemingly endless supplies of water since the dawn of recorded history. But we are at a critical point in the environment and mandkind’s existence. Farmers having to adapt to the increasingly more difficult weather patterns. Populations are relocating in a search for potable water and the infrastructure of large cities is becoming overwhelmed by this population influx.

GLACIAL BALANCE takes us from Colombia to Argentina, getting to know those who are the first to be affected by the melting glacial reserve, the canaries in the mine. Along the way, we are accompanied by scientists who give us a perspective on what is happening in the natural world, and from that, we learn of the chain reaction effect these disappearing glaciers are having worldwide. The film offers the viewer an opportunity to hear, in the local’s own words, the human impacts of a climate out of control. From coffee, potato and quinoa farmers, to fruit and wine exporters, and even miners of sacred glacial ice blocks near the Equator, GLACIAL BALANCE offers the viewer a chance to visit some of Earth’s most distant, inaccessible, and spectacularly beautiful landscapes.

The film shows a global interconnectedness, causing a human to human connection to the changing world around us. It entertains, teaches and provides a piece to reflect upon, bringing these images and stories of climate change, drought, famine, and migration to the forefront of public consciousness. Ultimately removing the anonymous stigma often associated with the cause and serving as a means to instigate change that depends on every one of us to make.

Distribution rights available: All Media – Worldwide

Buy the movie here: http://www.glacialbalance.com/dvd

More info: http://www.glacialbalance.com/
Produced by: Daltonic Films
Language: English
Year: 2011
Region: South-America

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