
Governments are putting a lot of emphasis on water supply coverage. But the statistics that arise from this may be misleading as the people that, in theory, have access to an improved water source may differ considerable from the people that actually use improved water facilities. This type of facilities includes household connections, public standpipes, boreholes, protected dug wells, protected springs, and rainwater collection.

GLoWS was developed in response to this situation. It is a problem-based learning approach that focuses on helping the trainees assess/frame WASH problems appropriately, and define practical actions to solve them. A key feature is that the training is provided to water professionals right at their workplace. This is important as government water bureaus in Ethiopia are under immense work pressure and cannot afford to let their staff go away for training for long periods of time. Trainers from local vocational training centres provide support and supervision from time-to-time. There is also a lot of focus on peer-to-peer learning and group work.

GLoWS was developed by MetaMeta, with support from Partners for Water, RiPPLE, IRC, SNV, WASTE, RAIN Foundation and UNICEF.

More info:
Produced by: TheWaterChannel
Year: 2013
Language: English
Region: Ethiopia

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