Inside Story – Water under pressure

We ask why the source of life has become a source of tension in regions across the world. And as populations grow and supplies decline, what can be done to safeguard the world’s most precious resource?

To discuss this, Inside Story, with presenter Sue Turton is joined by: Dr Patrick Huntjens, the head of Water Diplomacy at The Hague Institute for Global Justice, which organised this week’s conference; Dr Hakan Tropp, the managing director of the Knowledge Services department at the Stockholm International Water Institute; and Aaron Wolf, the director of the Water Conflict Management Programme at Oregon State University.

The way we deal with water is changing, the privatisation of water is a reality and a trend that has taken root in some South American countries: here, the water is sold as a commodity, like oil.

An international conference taked place at The Hague in the Netherlands to discuss issues around water security and peace.

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Language: English

Year: 2013

Region: Global

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