Jetze Heun- Reflections from the Playground Unesco IHE

After a long career in water, Jetze Heun, Programme Director DUPC at UNESCO-IHE, is retiring. Since 1975, he has lived abroad in several countries, and has spent more than 12 years of working at the Institute. His main interest is in Water Resources Planning and Management in the broadest sense, based on an academic background in civil engineering -land and water development. He has built up a great track record in education and research, in leading multi-disciplinary projects and in management functions. He currently guides the UNESCO-IHE Partnership for Water Education and Research.Teaching is one of his passions, and during his career he developed several interactive simulation role plays for use in education.

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Produced by: h2videokanaal
Year: 2013
Language: English
Region: The Netherlands

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