June 10, 2020: Monitoring Water Productivity using WaPOR- Part 1

This webinar was part two of a six-part masterclass series from the Water Productivity Improvement in Practice (WaterPIP) project. In this series, we will provide attendees with a step-by-step approach to monitor and interpret irrigation performance indicators using open-source tools and provide context through applied case studies. Monitoring at different spatial scales will be discussed (including at crop level, by irrigation scheme, and in river basins) as well as monitoring techniques for biophysical and socioeconomic parameters of water productivity.

The FAO has developed a portal to monitor Water Productivity through Open access of Remotely sensed derived data (WaPOR). WaPOR offers a way for the public to access reliable, continuous, and near real–time spatial data on water and land use. These data can be used to support agricultural water managers, project leaders, and researchers in conducting evidenced-based evaluations of the performance of irrigation projects.

This masterclass webinar (June 10, 2020) from the WaterPIP project is aimed at introducing the WaPOR dataset and showcasing how it can be used to measure water productivity and to derive key service delivery performance indicators in irrigation schemes. At the end of the two-part webinar, you will be able to obtain, analyse, and interpret WaPOR data for your own applications.

Topics for Part 1 include:

  • What is WaPOR
  • Which indicators can be derived using WaPOR data
  • Rapid assessment of performance and water productivity using WaPOR

(More information on the upcoming webinars coming soon)

This webinar series is supported by the Water Productivity Improvement in Practice (WaterPIP) project, which is supported by the Directorate-General for International Cooperation (DGIS) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands under the DGIS UNESCO-IHE Programmatic Cooperation (DUPC)

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Water and Development Partnership,Water Productivity  
July 3, 2020  
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