Access to drinking water supply and sanitation in El Salvador remains low, despite recent increases in coverage, which leads to negative impacts on productivity and health in particular of the rural poor. Water resources are heavily polluted and the great majority of wastewater is discharged without any treatment into the environment.
While access has improved the remaining lack of access to water and sanitation in rural areas has a demonstrably adverse effect on infant mortality, child mortality and stunting. The infant mortality rate among households without a house connection is 40 per 1,000 births, compared to 30 for households with a connection. Similarly, the infant mortality rate among households without a toilet is 37, compared to 30 for households with toilets.
La Alianza por el agua (The Alliance for Water) is an initiative that links governments, water suppliers, research companies and social organizations, both in Spain and Central America into a comprehensive union to implement the human right to water and sanitation of the Central American population in the context of the Millennium Development Goals.
Produced by: Alianza por el Agua
Year: 2012
Language: Spanish
Region: El Salvador