Protected Areas Delineation and Land Use Planning – Gambella case

In this presentation Sanne van Aarst (Programme Coordination Parks and Buffer Zones Management Programme of HoA-REC) gives a lecture on the Gambella region. First an introduction of this unique region is given. The migration of the white-eared Kob is highlighted which is the second largest mammal migration of the world.
The establishment of the Trans Frontier Conservation Initiative Task Force and it’s activities is described. The main objective of this task force is to assess the White-eared Kob migration and to create links with Boma National Park in South Sudan.
Aerial surveys were carried out to make estimates of wildlife living in the region.
The presentation gives some recommendations on sustainable land use options, a SWOT analysis and it ends with suggestions for the future.

More info:
Produced by: University Water Sector Partnership
Year: 2012
Language: English

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