Reversing the Flow – Kenya

Reversing the Flow (RtF) supports communities in vulnerable situations by strengthening their water security. RtF aims at making communities stronger with water and climate adaptation actions. The idea is that communities will organise and lead these actions themselves. Local partners will create hubs to support the communities.

Reversing the Flow (RtF) is a new programme that puts communities in the lead. Communities need to be in the lead to become more resilient to climate change. The RtF knowledge component will facilitate learning across community-led initiatives and between collective experiences and stakeholders. It will also help vulnerable groups find ways to influence policy and governance. Another important element of the knowledge component is monitoring at various programme levels.

RtF is a learning programme, and certain aspects still need to be developed. This means that we will constantly adjust and change the programme. This is also the case for the knowledge component. RtF intends to launch a tender to contract a consortium to implement the knowledge component. But, some factors of the programme are unknown. This makes it hard to define the specific long-term assignment for the knowledge component. The RtF team is currently exploring various options for the knowledge process.

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Locally-Led Adaptation in Practice  
Community-Led community peer to peer learning  
December 5, 2022  
Produced by
IMPACT, MetaMeta, Aciacia Water and IRC