Ridge to reef: protecting water quality from source to sea in the FSM

Watershed-based natural resource management in a coral island involves a peculiar set of challenges. A big concern is managing erosion, that tends to contaminate the runoff that ends up in the precious few fresh water sources and coral reefs.

This video draws from GEF’s Pacific-IWRM project on Pohnpei Islands, Federated States of Micronesia. The project aims to improve drinking water quality and significantly reduce pollutants entering fresh and marine waters around the area. Activities involve: Improvement of forest management and strengthening a Watershed Forest Reserve Area; Linking communities to create awareness on upstream to downstream impacts; Water quality monitoring programme; Assessment and mitigation of wastewater and pollution sources; Development of a Water Safety Plan and a Harbour Water Quality and Management Plan.

More info: http://www.pacific-iwrm.org/
Produced by: Roll’em Productions
Year: 2011
Language: (English narration and subtitles)

Please note: this video type is "local" and should be moved to youtube or vimeo. Find in google
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Water and Development Partnership  
coral drinking water watershed  
May 15, 2020  
Produced by
Roll'em Productions