(It is recommended to watch the video in full screen.
Sound quality improves 1:40 onwards)
Question: How can dusty roads provide water?
Answer: By harvesting and storing rainwater when it falls on them.
A 30 mm rainfall over a 1-kilometre stretch of road can produce up to 100,000 litres of water. This number points to a huge potential.
In this webinar ‘Roads for Water’ (organised November 23, 2013), Ian Neal (Excellent Development) and Frank van Steenbergen (MetaMeta) discuss the science and real-world experiences that show how road infrastructure could be optimized for smart water management, and vice-versa. Theyalso discuss what we could learn from them in order to develop a nexus approach to infrastructure development and water harvesting.
More info: www.thewaterchanel.tv/webinar
Produced by: TheWaterChannel
Year: 2013
Language: English
Region: Global