SA Water North South Interconnection System Project: an Overview

This video provides a brief overview of SA Water’s North South Interconnection System Project (NSISP). The NSISP is part of a broader SA Water program to ensure security of water supply for our customers. The project is also an important part of the South Australian Government’s Water for Good strategy. The NSISP will enable the continued delivery of a reliable water supply to your home or business while improving the flexibility and functionality of the distribution system.

Key benefits of the NSISP are:

  • FLEXIBILITY: Without interconnection, most suburbs are linked to only one water supply option. Once the project is completed, most of Adelaide will benefit from at least two sources of supply. This flexibility means we will be better able to deal with drought, growth within the city’s population and any failures within the system. It will mean a much more reliable supply for the community.
  • RELIABILITY: Because interconnection of the Adelaide water distribution network will improve system flexibility we will be able to better respond to impacts on supply. For example, if there is an interruption to supply in the northern system we will be able to pump drinking water from the southern system across the majority of the Adelaide metropolitan area.
  • WATER SECURITY: Without interconnection, water from the Adelaide Desalination Plant can only be distributed through the southern supply system. Following interconnection, desalinated water can be delivered across the whole metropolitan network. Enabling broad access to this non-climate dependant water supply will ensure Adelaide continues to have a secure water supply in the future and is able to meet increases in demand.

More info:
Produced by: SA Water
Year: 2012
Language: English


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