SODIS/WATSAN project introduction/ Helvetas Vietnam

An Giang is a province in the Mekong Delta in the South of Vietnam. A province with more than 2 millions inhabitants of which only 45% have access to pipe water. The rest use water from rivers or drilled water.

The second group carries out most of the daily activities on the river such as washing clothes, washing dishes, and preparing food. They also have a mobile toilet on the river. They earn their living through farming, fishing and trading along the river. Very often, this group lives in more remote areas and belongs to the very poor segment or close to poor. As a result, they do not have access to clean water, cannot afford clean water before using or even to boil water before drinking, and they do not have a latrine. The knowledge on water and sanitation is very minimal.

The bad habit of defecating to the river has affected greatly the living environment and life quality of the whole commune area. After a survey about health and hygiene problems of the two provinces in Long An and An Giang, Helvetas Vietnam implements the project Clean water with Solar energy and awareness raising for hygiene sanitation in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam.

The short name of the project is SODIS/WATSAN. With the amount of 300,000 USD, Helvetas Vietnam has worked alongside with Provincial Women’s Union of Long An and An Giang and Department of Preventive Medicine and Environment- Ministry of Health to implement activities in some selected communes of the provinces.

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Produced by: HELVETAS Vietnam
Language: English

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May 15, 2020  
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