Tapping shallow aquifers with rope pumps in Igunga, Igunga Ecovillage project

ENGLISH: This video shows the construction of a tubewell and installation of a ropepump in the village of Makomero in Igunga district. As part of the Igunga Eco-Village project, local artisans are trained to construct and install tubewells with ropepumps, locally produced low-cost self-supply water systems.

This is just one of the many activities as part of the Igunga Eco-Village project that aims to support 10 villages in becoming more climate resilient. Farmer Field Schools are trained in a wide range of proven climate adaptation technologies, including integrated pest control, tree planting, renewable energy sources, and soil moisture conservation. Innovative techniques to Recharge, Retain and Re-use water (3R) are tested. Committees at village level ensure sustainability and upscaling of the activities through land and natural resources management village plans which are captured and incorporated into district level multi-annual strategies.

More info: http://www.igungaecovillage.com/
Produced by: Heifer Netherlands
Year: 2016
Language: English
Region: Tanzania, East Africa

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