The Value of Land Part 1

On her 2.5 acres of land in Kalangala, Uganda, Imelda grows sweet potatoes, cassava, banana, yams and rears goats. She has 9 children. She and her family have been threatened by the palm company representatives who say that the land is theirs and want her to move away. Elite land owners are constantly looking for land to sell or lease to the company, everyone’s land or right to land is under scrutiny as profit motive begin to tear apart a subsistent society. Her husband is a heavy drinker and she sees no income from him, her only source of income is from the food she grows on her small plot of land.

This video has been produced in association with the source project for Friends of the Earth International. Music by Gary Reuben Morris –

More info: The Source Project
Produced by: The Source Project
Year: 2012
Language: Various

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May 15, 2020  
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