Theatre of the Absurd: Is there a Happy Ending to the Tragedy (of the Commons)?

Ful Title: Theatre of the Absurd: Is there a Happy Ending to the Tragedy (of the Commons)?

This play was created by UNESCO-IHP and UN-Water in the framework of the International Year of Water Cooperation 2013. It is a theatrical representation of the world’s surreal, and as yet, unsolved dilemmas surrounding water security, water governance and water cooperation.

This 4-act play on trusting each other, sharing commons, and ultimately deciding if we are capable of perpetuating our development without endangering the planet was presented for the first time during the World Water Week in Stockholm. An exclusive toolkit to reenact and/or rearrange the play will be available soon at

More info: Mrs Lucilla Minelli, UNESCO-IHP (
Produced by: UNESCO-IHP and UN-Water
Year: 2013
Language: English
Region: Global

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