(June 24, 2020) Water Productivity and Sugarcane Production

Although growth in global sugar consumption in the coming decade is projected to slow down, the growth rate is still expected to be 1.48% per year until 2027. Therefore, the assignment for the sugar-producing sector is clear: by 2027, an estimated 205 million additional tons of sugar need to be produced (given the current production of 185 million tons). Production of sugar crops is expected to expand in many parts of the world, with increases coming from a combination of higher yields from existing farms and expansion of crop areas.

In this masterclass webinar from WaterPIP (June 24, 2020), discussions focussed on priorities, opportunities, and challenges in the field of operating and developing sugar cane plantations both from the field and the developer perspectives. There will be a discussion on the implication of sugar cane expansion on water use in a river basin context, evidence-based analysis on the intensification versus expansion of crop areas using the FAO WaPOR database, as well as the impacts of growing different types of sugar crops. We invite you to join us for the webinar and share your experiences and ideas on this topic.

Sugarcane production experience from the field

The implication of sugarcane expansion on water use in a river basin context
Intensification vs expansion in sugarcane production
Sugar beet or sugarcane in sugar production

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Water Productivity  
June 24, 2020  
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