Weathering climate change

The Climate Change Adaptation project is being implemented by WOTR in 65 villages around India. WOTR seeks to develop the knowledge, strategies, approaches, measures and processes that enable vulnerable communities to cope with and adapt to the impending impacts of Climate Change in a manner which can be widely adoptable, replicable and scalable.

Weathering Climate change is a short film that describes WOTR’ss Agro-Meteorology component of Climate Change Adaptation Project and some of the real-time ground experiences. This component combines locale-specific Met-advisories and Agro-advisories for timely weather information to help farmers plan their agricultural activities. Also a web based initiative, it is marked by its unique automated platform and software to provide village wise weather trends that can be widely up scaled. The advisories and met-forecasts are shared with the communities through phone.

More info: WOTR
Produced by: WOTR
Year: 2013
Language: English, hindi, english subtitles
Region: India

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