What is MAGO Prima?

MAGO: A game-changer to build web applications for water and agriculture

Food security and water management in the Mediterranean Region are challenged by reduced water availability due to climate change, affecting agricultural production and the increasing population, stressing the demand for water and food. One of the main difficulties in tackling this challenge is the disconnection between research results with real market needs and end-users demand.

MAGO is the new 3-year PRIMA-funded project that aims at developing Mediterranean wAter management solutions for a sustainable aGriculture supplied by an Online collaborative platform. The project kicked off on the 1st of May, 2021. The overarching objective of the project is to make this connection between research results and real market needs and end-user demands, in the field of food security and water management in the Mediterranean region, especially focusing on the challenge of climate change. MAGO will develop WEMED, a collaborative platform with WEb applications for agriculture in the MEDiterranean.

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