Working with Water

Full Title: Working the Water: A Brief Human History of the South Platte River and its Aquifer

The South Platte River Basin covers thousands of square miles that include the Northern Front Range, the high mountains, and the eastern plains of Northeastern Colorado.

A very good source for learning about the physical aspects of the South Platte alluvium is the Groundwater Atlas of Colorado by the Colorado Geological Survey.

A good source of information about ground water administration in Colorado is the Colorado Division of Water Resources.

As the birthplace of several major rivers, Colorado has a long history of water legislation, regulation and collaboration to address the appointment of our water supplies. Here is A Brief Timeline of Groundwater Management in the South Platte Basin.

More info:(See links in the description above)
Produced by: Colorado Water Institute
Year: 2013
Language: English
Region: Colorado, United States

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