Yemen: An endless journey to search for water

Poverty in Yemen is not only poor people struggling for their lives in a country with an expanding population and an expensive life compared to how much money they make; poverty could also strike natural resources leading to their shortage, and threatening their existence. Water poverty is a serious environmental issue Yemen struggles with while seemingly hard to tackle. The reduced amounts of rainfalls and the tremendous exhaustion of groundwater aquifers and basins are all falling into making it harder for people to adapt with the lack of an essential source of living, water. In Sana’a alone, the majority of houses receive water from the public pipes once or twice a week, which requires people to buy water or bring it from a public well after standing in long lines. All that is forcing people to invest in each drop of water on the basics and prevent themselves from using it for other things they consider complements in order to survive within such circumstances, situation and environment.
Produced by: Alaan TV
Year: 2013
Language: Arabic
Region: Middle East
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June 26, 2020  
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