Zimbabwe’s Land Reform: Voices from the Field (Part 5)

Based on 10 years of research in Masvingo province and reported in the book, Zimbabwe’s Land Reform: Myths and Realities, this series of 8 videos shows the experiences of some of the farmers who gained land following Zimbabwe’s controversial land reform from 2000. These voices from the field demonstrate that there have been some successes, and that land reform has not been the disaster that is sometimes reported.

In this part, Mr. and Mrs. Chidhangure talk about how their livelihoods took a positive turn since they settled ‘informally’ on government-acquired land in 2000. The Zimbabwean government recognized farming settlers such as this couple, with government enterprises procuring cotton and maize from them. This has boosted the income and prosperity.

More info: http://zimbabweland.net
Produced by: Blasio Mavedzenge, Felix Murimbarimba, Ian Scoones
Year: 2011
Language: English

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