This is a mousetrap (and a mouse in it, if you look closely) being used in Tigray, Ethiopia. The trap door has ‘USA: Refined Vegetable Oil’ printed on it, as it was made out of one of those food cans distributed by international agencies during emergencies such as famine.
These cans are usually made of aluminium/ tin-plated steel, and are incredibly easy to cut, fold and flatten into sheets (as seen in this video). So, after the food in them is consumed, they find themselves with local artisans who turn them into mousetraps, stoves, earth levelers, doors, windows, roofs, watering cans, coverings for electrical connections…. you name it! And then they are off for sale at the market.
If you have some pictures of your own, of such ‘by-products’ of food aid, please send them to info[at]thewaterchannel[dot]tv. We would love to add them to the ones below!
Stove Mousetrap Door
Watering Can Cover for Electrical Connections Manual Earth Levelers
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