Postcard from Marracuene, Mozambique

Postcard from Marracuene, Mozambique

Posted by Frank van Steenbergen
June 30, 2017

A civilization is measured by its care and not by its casualty – its attention for detail, its compassion for others, its cleanliness and attention for an environment jointly shared. This is where sanitation comes in and this is where things in many areas of the world have gradually improved. Maybe not as spectacular as hoped, but still the ownership of a latrine is becoming more and more common place.

Here is a picture from a road side vendor workshop in Marracuene at the outskirts of Maputo. Selling pre-cast latrine slabs is as normal as selling concrete ornaments, part of having a good home to be in.

Water and Development Partnership  
sanitation WASH  
June 30, 2017  
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