A Strange Season: Salmon, Lawsuits, & the BDCP

We seem to be in the middle of a very a strange season. There has been a glimmer of hope that the numbers of wild salmon are finally showing signs that they are starting to rebound. Enough so that the Federal agencies who determine if there are enough fish in the system to allow a full fishing season told both recreational and commercial salmon fishermen to go fishing. Finally some good news! But wait, there’s suddenly more to this story. A group of Central Valley irrigators, who supply water to agriculture and industrial customers, has filed suit in Federal court to reverse the government’s go fishing decision. They seek to ban anyone from catching salmon this year.

This video explores this strange turn of events and also takes a look at the latest twists and turns impacting efforts to fix the Delta. As part of the National Academy of Science’s review of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan’s (BDCP) work and recommendations, the NAS has pointed out a significant flaw in the BDCP blueprint. This Salmon Water Now video looks at the continuing BDCP controversy and the stop-the-fishing lawsuit. Once again we point to the Westlands Water District as a player in both stories (even though they are not listed on the lawsuit). We feature a portion of Westland’s General Manager Tom Birmingham’s comments made at a recent Congressional field hearing in Fresno. We’re doing our part to keep information flowing about the seemingly never-ending struggle over water, wild salmon, and California’s fragile ecosystem. We think it matters and we encourage the sharing of this and other Salmon Water Now videos to help people understand the changing and challenging dynamics that are in play.

This Salmon Water Now production is dedicated to the memory of Byron Leydecker. Mr. Leydecker founded Friends of the Trinity River and was a tireless advocate to protect the river and restore the river’s struggling salmon stocks. Salmon Water Now was honored to have had his enthusiastic support of our production efforts. But more importantly, the Trinity river and the salmon that run through it, are better off because he was here when they needed him the most.

More info: http://salmonwaternow.org/
Produced by: Salmon Water Now
Language: English
Year: 2011

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Hannity salmon Tom Birmingham water agriculture California water crisis drought environment farmers fishery  
May 15, 2020  
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