A Walk for Water 2010, Lake Frank, Maryland

Amman Imman: Water is Life held the 4th annual A Walk for Water at Lake Frank in Derwood, Maryland. Students and families walked over 3 miles around the lake in solidarity for the children and families in the Azawak who walk over 30 miles in a day for water. This year Ariane Kirtley and her son Fassely joined the Lake Frank Walk. Through sponsorships for every mile, over $7,000 was raised. The money will go towards finishing the Kijigari borehole, named the Montessori Well of Love, under construction in the Azawak of West Africa. This borehole structure will supply water to 25,000 people and animals.For more information about Amman Imman: Water is Life, go to http://www.ammanimman.org, or write info@ammanimman.org

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