BlueTech Forum 2013_Dick Zwartveld: Food-Water Nexus

On May 14th, the 4th Annual BlueTech Forum kicked off with the BlueTech Technology Showcases, covering three key water industry areas: Food and Beverage, Oil and Gas, and Smart Water. Delegates learned about the innovative and disruptive technologies of 11 companies and rated each on the potential of its innovative and disruptive technology.

In this video, Dick Zwartveld, Product Manager at Priva, introduced the food-water nexus, discussing advancements in horticulture & greenhouse technologies. This company focuses on the production of healthy, high-quality food and ornamental plant crops in open field and greenhouses with minimal use of natural resources, such as energy and water. For the past five years, Dick has cooperated in practical research focused on adapting agricultural systems to become more water sustainable.

More info: BlueTechForum
Produced by: BlueTechForum
Year: 2013
Language: English
Region: The Netherlands

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