Global Water Experiment (International year of Chemistry)

The theme for the global experiment project “Water: A Chemical Solution” implies the dual meaning of “solution.” First, solutions are the answers that chemistry can provide to questions about delivering safe water to people all over the world. Second, in the chemical sense, the term is helpful for introducing important chemical principles such as pH, salinity, and solubility. In the global experiment, teachers will involve classes of students in the investigation.

Consider for a moment how many students might participate:100 countries, 1 000 schools per country, 10 classes per school, and 10 students per class would lead to millions of participants and a giant experiment! With such an extensive reach comes a responsibility to achieve valuable educational goals. The context of water provides relevance and the experiment will give students learning experiences that are engaging and edifying so that they learn valuable practical skills and useful chemistry. At the same time, students will discover the power of chemistry to provide reliable information and data within our society.

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Produced by: IUPAC & UNESCO
Year: 2011
Language: English

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