The Millennium Development Goals were set to be met by 2015. We’re almost there, having made good progress towards some goals and covering less ground on way to others.
As we work towards a post-2015 Development agenda, water continues to remain at the heart of things. Water resources management and governance are still key to livelihoods, health, industry and healthy eco-systems.
Given what have/haven’t been able to achieve so far, what should our priorities be? You can have a say, by joining the discussion on this webpage. It is being jointly hosted by UNDP, UNEP-DHI, Global Water Partnership and Stockholm International Water Institute.
To help you along:
— here is a framing paper
— here are some videos on water management and governance
— here are some questions that are being discussed, and some more details/ explanation.
More info:
Produced by: TheWaterChannel
Year: 2013
Language: English