Knowledge Network: Sustainability, Climate & Energy

How relevant is Dutch knowledge and knowledge development on water management and climate change for the global South? Between June 16-23, 2011, eighteen, mostly young, professionals from Bangladesh, Indonesia, Vietnam, Ghana, Mozambique and Kenya (total 14) and the Netherlands (4) performed a peer review. They followed four days of master classes in which collections of Dutch institutions presented themselves and then reflected on what they heard. On which issues should water knowledge sharing be focused? What are the specific climate adaptation knowledge needs in developing countries? And how could the Dutch government and the Dutch (knowledge) sector respond? Meanwhile, they were brokering South-North and South-South relations among academics and practitioners.

On the June 23, 2011 they gave feedback to a plenary session of the Knowledge Network at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They prepared general assessments as well as specific recommendations to consider. Of course, there was widespread praise for the Dutch knowledge and expertise. Besides that, a selection of interesting observations are presented.

Produced by: TheWaterChannel
Year: 2011
Language: English

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