Resilient Bangladesh: Fishermen cope with rougher seas

One of the effects of climate change experienced by the coastal communities in the Magna River delta (Bangladesh) is the higher frequency of cyclones and hard winds. As consequence of increased wind speeds, the sea becomes rougher affecting fishermens’ ability to catch fish. The consequence of this was experienced physiccally by Mohammed Illias in 2008. In a terrible storm of 2008, he and 10 other fishermen, experienced their local boat type was not able to withstand the rough waves. Luckily, all of the fisherman on-board survived. In order to assist the fishermen to make their boats climate proof, their local boats were reinforced with steel bars, as part of the UN Socio-Economic Development Programme. Mohammed Illias feels confident now that his boat will be able to withstand the rough waves. As an added result, the improved boat allows him also to travel further out into the sea and increase his catch.

More info: and
Produced by: Nishikura, M. and Patron, L.
Year: 2011
Language: English, Bangla

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May 15, 2020  
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