Sanitation challenges in urban slums

In Africa about the 60% of the population is living in slums. Its reported to be the least urbanized continent and recognized as one where the rate of urbanization is highest. To house all these new city dwellers, informal settlements in the peri-urban areas continue to develop and expand.

The sanitation system is also very weak. The population requires improvement on drinking water and hygienic sanitary conditions. However, getting all these changes is very difficult for different reasons.

The main research question of SCUSA project is: How to improve sanitation in urban slums, with emphasis on reducing the output of nutrients leaving the slum?

UNESCO-IHE is joining forces with Makarere University from Kampala Uganda in this research in Africa slums by identify and implement low cost integrated sustainable solutions to provide water management in a typical slum area;

Creating sustainable sanitation in slums on groundwater and surface water quantity and quality;

Determining the financial, institutional, and sociological mechanisms or boundary conditions for successful implementation of sustainable solutions in these slums, to end using the lessons learned in other urban areas.

More info:

Produced by: Landmark Media Consultancy and Unesco -IHE

Year: 2012‚Ä

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