Smart Water Solutions- An Update on Low-cost Water Technologies

Innovations over the last 10 years have drastically reduced the cost and increased the sustainability of many water and sanitation technologies. These can be harnessed by the private sector all over the world to develop affordable solutions for local water use/ sanitation needs. Through large scale capacity building on Smart Techs, developing countries could reach WASH (WAter, Sanitation and Hygiene) related MDGs (4 and 7), improve food security and increase incomes rural incomes.

In TheWaterChannel webinar on September 14, 2011, Henk Holtslag demonstrated some Smart Tech solutions with proven impact in various parts of the world. He also discussed what goes into increasing their uptake by the water users and businesses. As policy prescription, Henk proposes that:
(a ) To reduce poverty (MDG1) it is more cost effective to invest in family water systems than it is to invest in community water systems, and
(b) To reduce water borne diseases it is most cost-effective to invest in hygiene / point-of-use treatment. Download the webinar presentation.

More info:
Produced by: TheWaterChannel
Year: 2011
Language: English

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