Tar Sands: To The End of the Earth

Tar sands oil is the most devastating fuel in commercial production today, producing three to five times more climate changing emissions than conventional fossil fuels. The pollution and deforestation from tar sands does irreversible ecological damage, kills wildlife and threatens indigenous communities.

The global development of tar sands will magnify the climate crisis. Yet European companies want to exploit tar sands deposits around the globe. Friends of the Earth Europe is working to stop all new tar sands projects and to prevent this harmful fuel entering the European market.

This documentary follows the efforts by local communities in Madagascar to protect their island from tar sands development. Representatives travel to Canada to experience first-hand the devastating social and environmental impacts of tar sands, before returning to their communities to share these experiences.

More info: www.foeeurope.org

Produced by: Friends of the Earth Europe

Language: English

Year: 2013

Region: Global

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May 15, 2020  
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