The Second New Nile Conference Dec 2014 at UN ECA Addis Ababa

Proliferation of water infrastructures; increasing land conversion for agriculture; degradation of critical ecosystem wild life, biodiversity and environmental assets; land/environmental degradation; growing demand for Nile water which is driven by high population and urbanization growth rates; growing uncertainty but expected climate change impacts suggest changing realities of the basin which offer both opportunities and challenges.. These changes, along with the rush for competitive utilization, are happening in the midst of insufficient scientific understanding of the river system and the potential impact of Climate Change. What, then, could science and the scientific community play to leverage the potentials and offset or prevent the risk that come along with the above realties of Eastern Nile?..
The New Nile Conference series was conceived with the above context in mind. This Conference is a follow up to the first New Nile Perspective Conference of Khartoum 2013 and as part of the long-term strategy to keep the scientific community engaged.

The objectives of this 2nd Conference are: 1) Advancing the scientific frontier in adaptive and efficient water management; 2) To disseminate and discuss the results of state-of the art research, along with identification of y present and future potentials and threats in the Eastern Nile and 3) To form new alliances for future Nile research around the following themes: 1. Understanding the Eastern Nile Water Resources System; 2. Eastern Nile Developments: status and alternative scenarios for the future; and 3. Water Diplomacy and Hydro Politics in the Eastern Nile.

More information:
Produced by: Impala Communication
Year: 2014
Language: English
Region: Nile region

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