Urban Kidneys

Fishery Cooperatives in the Eastern Kolkata Wetlands (on the outskirts of the metropolis) channel wastewater from the municipal systems to fishponds, where organic waste in the waters settles down and serves as food for the fish. When the water levels in the fish ponds rise the fishermen release water through outlets which is much more clean than when it came in. The water is clean enough to be released into river systems in the area.

One wonders why not more cities have such kidney systems, even as they grow and generate more and more waste water. There must be more opportunities for managed urban wetlands. Moreover, with pre-treatment, changing vegetation, pulsing inflow and hydraulic control structures, their functioning can be optimized. They have everything going for them: they clean up waste water at no cost; they create amenity and generate much needed employment and jobs while converting waste into nutrients

More info: TheWaterBlog
Produced by: TheWaterChannel
Year: 2013
Language: Bangla and English
Region: West Bengal, India, South Asia

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May 15, 2020  
Bangla and English 
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