Water hidden in 1 slice of bread

Could making your own bread make the planet less thirsty? Yes, it could

For most of us bread is part of our everyday diet, and there’s no reason to change that. But it’s important to know how much water goes into making bread so we can make better choices about how we consume it. Most bread contains wheat, which requires water to grow, while water itself is used as an ingredient in many loaves.
The best way to keep the water footprint of the bread you buy as low as possible is not to waste it. Bread doesn’t have a very long shelf life so try not to buy too much. If you do end up with too much, keep some bread in the freezer and simply defrost it a few hours before you want to eat it. And if you’re feeling adventurous, why not have a go at making your own bread? A tasty loaf can be made with just flour, yeast, salt and (a little!) water.
1 slice of bread = 48 litres water = crying non-stop for 84 days
– 1 slice of wheat bread weighing 30 g
– A good 5 min cry = 2 ml of tears

More info: http://www.imagineallthewater.eu/EN
Produced by: Generation Awake
Year: 2012
Language: English

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May 15, 2020  
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