Water, Sanitation and Media: Chris Mason

Water and Sanitation stories are newsworthy, as they entail issues related to public health and day-to-day well being. And yet, few such stories are picked up by journalists and fewer get past editors gate keeping news outlets.

According to Chris Mason (Communications Officer, Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation technology), this is largely because water and sanitation are seen as big picture issues that unfold in the long term. The modern 24-hour news cycle, however, is about making quick editorial decisions and capturing what’s happening right now. It is up to WaSH professionals to supply the media with context, statistics and expert inputs that make for a compelling pitch for key water and sanitation stories.

Chris discusses this issue along with several others in this interview with TheWaterChannel.

More info: http://www.cawst.org/
Produced by: TheWaterChannel
Language: English
Year: 2014
Region: Globalv

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