Water Scarcity in Kijigari

Kijigari is a village in the Azawak of Niger, West Africa where a strong community has developed, in spite of the dire conditions caused by the lack of accessible water. In March, 2009, the Amman Imman team visited Kijigari to find out more about their water problems and assess whether or not the people want a borehole. In Kijigari they found a school, a community garden managed by women, and a sewing cooperative. But when the marsh runs dry, everyone abandons Kijigari to find water. What the people of Kijigari need to continue their progress is water. In February, 2010, Amman Imman returned to Kijigari and drilled a borehole, 180 meters deep. The borehole will be equipped with pump and engine, water tower, faucets and animal troughs with an expected completion by the end of March. Having water will not only save lives but it will also rebuild the villages economy: among other things, the women will be able to plant flourishing gardens, the children will attend school year-round, and the men will rebuild their livestock herds. The borehole will be named the Kijigari Montessori Well of Love, in honor of students around the world who have been helping bring water to the Azawak. It will be dedicated to the late Dennis Hamilton. Find out how you can help complete the Kijigari Well of Love borehole and support Amman Imman: Water is Life’s work to bring water to more communities in the Azawak of West Africa.

More info: www.ammanimman.org
Produced by: Amman Imman
Year: 2009
Language: English

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