Master Class 1: From Monitoring to Implementation
March 29th, 2017 @ FutureWater, Wageningen
On March 29 the first master class was hosted by FutureWater. In this master class Water Productivity was discussed at policy as well as implementation level. What is really necessary for farmers, companies and policy makers to know so they can take measures to improve water productivity? How can we work together to contribute?
1. Job Kleijn (Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs) explained how water productivity is embedded in the Dutch policy. (Download the presentation)
2. Jonna van Opstal (UNESCO-IHE) elaborated on the FAO database and her experiences from Lebanon. (Link to presentation)
3. Gijs Simons and Johannes Hunink (FutureWater) showed how the use of technology and scenario models to measure water productivity. (Download the intro presentation of Gijs, the presentation of Johannes and the summary presentation of Gijs).
During the presentation, reference was made by Johannes to the FAO publications on Aquacrop
4. Frank van Steenbergen (MetaMeta) initiated initial discussion on a Community of Practice on Water for Agriculture.
5. Gabor Szanto of RVO presented opportunities at RVO tailored to the audience. (Download the presentation)
Recommended links by Gabor:
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