Edging Forward: Pigeon Pea Hedgerows

What if one small shift in the way we farm could solve multiple problems at once—improve nutrition, protect crops from disasters, control erosion, and increase income for struggling smallholding tribal farmers? In rural India, where poverty and malnutrition often go hand in hand, the idea of growing pigeon peas alongside paddy could be the game-changer many have been waiting for.

In areas like Godda and Dumka of Jharkhand, the challenges are all too familiar. Farmers mainly grow rice during the Kharif season, and once that crop is harvested, their fields remain empty for the rest of the year. Water scarcity during the Rabi season hinders the opportunity to grow vegetables, and the cycle of paddy based monocropping continues, leaving families without a diverse and nutritious food supply. The result? A diet filled with rice, potatoes, and vegetables, but hardly any pulses—leading to widespread malnutrition.

In fact, data shows that around 54% of children below the age of five in Godda are stunted,  46% are underweight and 71.6% are anaemic women at reproductive age[i]. Similarly, 44% of children in Dumka are stunted and 60% women are anaemic at reproductive stage[ii], indicating severe malnutrition.  These figures highlight the urgent need for dietary diversification and improved nutritional practices in these regions. The deficiency of pulses in food plate—like pigeon peas—means that many families don’t get the protein they need, resulting in stunted growth, weakened immune systems, and long-term health issues.

The problem deepens when you look at the decline of pigeon pea cultivation. Pigeon peas, a rich source of protein, once grown in these areas, have gradually disappeared. The reasons are many: long-duration varieties take too long to mature, and they face challenges like water shortages, pest attacks, and grazing by livestock. Fewer farmers are planting pigeon peas, and those who do struggle with low yields, leading to further disinterest.

Fig-1: Cultivation of Pigeon Pea on paddy bund
What If There Was a Simple Solution?

The Agricultural Transition Through Productive Biodiversity project, funded by RVO, offers a simple yet powerful solution—growing short-duration pigeon peas as a hedge crop alongside paddy fields, especially on bunds. This approach could be the key to overcoming many of the obstacles that farmers face, offering multiple benefits that go beyond just growing another crop:

  • Natural Wind Barrier: Pigeon pea can act as a windbreaker, shielding the paddy from strong gusts that can cause damage.
  • Pest Control: The bright yellow flowers attract pests, keeping them away from the paddy fields and reducing crop loss.
  • No Extra Fertilizers Needed: The manure used for paddy also nourishes the pigeon pea, meaning farmers don’t need to invest in additional fertilizers.
  • Extra Income: By growing pigeon peas alongside paddy, farmers can increase their income without much additional effort or investment.
  • Improved Soil Health: The deep roots of pigeon peas help prevent soil erosion, conserve moisture, and naturally enrich the soil with nitrogen, reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers.
  • Protection from Grazing: Keeping livestock tied up during the paddy season prevents grazing damage, something that has been a major issue for pigeon pea crops in the past.
  • Disaster Resilience: During storms and heavy winds, pigeon peas can act as a natural barrier to protect the crops, improving the resilience of the entire farming system.
  • Diversity in diet: Pigeon pea will be added in rice based diet which would help  to make nutritive dish.
Fig 2: MetaMeta team mobilizing farmers to plant hedges showing different
Real Stories, Real Impact

Laxmi Tudu, a farmer from the area, recalls how a storm devastated her paddy fields last year. “If we had pigeon pea on the bunds, it could have saved our crops from the wind,” she says.

Hemlata Didi, another farmer from the region, says, “With pigeon pea’s short growing period, it matures around the same time as paddy, so we don’t have to worry about extra water or space. What’s more, the addition of pigeon peas offers a crucial source of protein for families who rely heavily on rice and vegetables for their meals. Instead of buying expensive pulses from the market, we can have a steady supply of this nutrient-rich food, directly from our fields.”

For farmers like Laxmi and Hemlata, this project represents more than just a crop—it’s a way to restore balance to the land and their lives. It’s a way to nourish the soil, their families, and their livestock—what Laxmi refers to as “the three mothers”—the earth soil- Bhu Mata, the health of their own mother- Janmadayini Mata, and their cattle- Go amta.

It is a small change, but the impact is in-depth.

This initiative also helps the environment. Pigeon peas enrich the soil, conserve moisture, and prevent erosion—all while protecting the local ecosystem and supporting biodiversity. The introduction of short-duration pigeon peas on bunds may seem like a small change, but it has the potential to transform farming in Godda and Dumka. By diversifying their crops, farmers can fight malnutrition, boost their incomes, and protect their fields from the unpredictable weather that is becoming more common.


biodiversity Hedges soil health climate resilience pest management  
March 19, 2025  
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