A Costly Mistake

A Costly Mistake, Salmon Water Now’s new video, continues the conversation about water, the proposed peripheral canal, and the long-term objectives of those pushing hardest for getting it built. Putting irrigation water on the toxic dirt on the West side of the Central Valley was not a very good idea 70 years ago. The video looks at the history of how the Central Valley Project came to be and asks a simple question — do we really want to make another costly mistake in the name of industrial agriculture? The push to approve, fund, and build the peripheral canal is moving at wrap speed. There are so many reasons to stop it, or at the very least slow it down. But, It seems to be the intent of Governor Brown to move forward with the plan, no matter the consequences to the environment and California’s fiscal health. A Costly Mistake joins the list of recent Salmon Water Now videos that raise serious questions about this impending boondoggle. To see all of the videos on the canal we’ve done, visit our Kill the Canal Channel on Vimeo where all of them are posted in one place for easy selection.

More info: http://salmonwaternow.org/
Produced by: Salmon Water Now
Language: English
Year: 2011

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Delta drought environment Estuary farmers fishery peripheral canal salmon Tom Birmingham agriculture California water crisis  
May 15, 2020  
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