“Every Drop Matters” A documentary on water governance in Arab States

‘Every drop matters’ is a documentary on water governance in Arab States: Stories of community based solutions to water scarcity. It addresses the issue of water scarcity exacerbated by climate change in Arab states. This documentary features a number of water governance pilots that the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)’s Regional Bureau for Arab States (RBAS) has been supporting in the Arab region. It presents the experiences of communities from 5 countries (Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt and Tunisia), who talk about the impact of water scarcity on their daily lives and how community-based solutions have changed their lives. The documentary also emphasizes the need to link policy-making initiatives at the national level with efforts at the regional and global levels.

More info: Arab Climate Resilience InitiativeWGP-AS
Produced by: Regional Bureau for Arab States at UNDP supported by the Coca-Cola Foundation
Language: Native languages with English and Arabic subtitles / English / Arabic
Year: 2013
Region: Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt and Tunisia, Arab world

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